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Brand Tip: What is Double E-A-T?

Brand3 Team  •  June 13, 2023

We're excited to introduce a new brand tip format that provides even more valuable information. While they'll be longer than usual, they'll still be shorter than our blog posts. Speaking of which, our latest blog post focuses on getting to the front page of Google.

It's a complex endeavor, and if you don't have the time or resources to utilize every tip we have for ranking higher in Google's algorithm, that's okay. The most important piece of advice for optimizing your content for higher rankings is Double E-A-T.

Let's break it down:

E - Expertise

Position yourself as an industry expert by creating high-quality, informative content.

E - Experience

Share real-life experiences that relate to your topic.

A - Authority

Establish yourself as a go-to resource with valuable insights and expert opinions.

T - Trustworthiness

Build trust by delivering accurate information from trustworthy sources.

By embracing Double E-A-T, you'll improve your online presence and increase your chances of reaching Google's front page by creating original and helpful content tailored to your audience's needs.

Expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness are fundamental to digital success. For more help, check out Google's resources on creating people-first content.


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